
Exclusive: Job Creators Network Foundation Poll Shows Small Business Support for Trump over Biden, 61 to 28 Percent

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A slew of recent surveys show a majority of Americans souring on President Joe Biden’s sluggish economy and favoring former President Donald Trump on the top issue heading into the 2024 election cycle. Today, the Job Creators Network Foundation (JCNF) released a poll showing small business employers backing Trump 61 percent to 28 percent for Biden.

The JCNF special October edition of its Small Business IQ Poll of 400 small business employers asked who they believe would do most to help Main Street, Donald Trump or Joe Biden.

“Given small business owners are the drivers of the U.S. economy, their attitudes towards politicians are an important indicator to pay attention to,” Elaine Parker, President of the Job Creators Network Foundation, said in a statement.

“Entrepreneurs are more likely to support candidates they believe will boost job creation, pursue smart fiscal policies to improve economic conditions, and avoid strangling the private sector with government red tape,” Parker said. “And when looking at this polling of who small businesses support, it’s not even a competition. Trump is beating Biden by a 2 to 1 margin.”

“When siloed by political affiliation and asked the same question, both Trump (55 percent) and Biden (51 percent) ran away with the win in their respective primaries or caucuses. The next closest candidates are Ron DeSantis (13 percent) and Robert F. Kennedy (22 percent),” Job Creators Network Foundation said in an email. “The poll was taken before Kennedy switched his affiliation to ‘independent.’”

“The popularity of each candidate among small employers is linked to policy preferences that align with the JCN American Small Business Prosperity Plan. It’s an eight-point policy blueprint to empower Main Street,” JCNF said. “For example, roughly 8 in 10 respondents are more likely to get behind a presidential candidate who supports reining in spending to reduce inflation, making it easier for small businesses to raise capital, and making provisions within the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act permanent.”